Conduct Market Assessments More Accurately

In today’s competitive landscape, whether you are in life sciences, financial services or advertising and media, you need to identify, characterize, and quantify patient populations and market opportunities in minutes.

Discover the Possibilities

Discover Patient and Provider Populations in Minutes

HealthNexus®, PurpleLab®’s easy-to-use healthcare analytics platform, enables users to quantify patients and providers for immediate insights. We’ve done the hard work of clinical classification, enabling users to drag and drop a concept group into a templated query and report workflow. Size and visualize patient populations in minutes.

Stratify Patient and Provider Populations to Gain Deeper and More Precise Insights

Stratify with pre-built intersections of underlying and comorbid conditions, risk adjustment factors (RAF), social determinants of health variables (SDOH), mortality, or for the most insights, stratify by any or all of the elements above.

Accurately Forecast Market Potential

Users can easily convert patient and provider populations to dollars. Assess market size and overall revenue potential as well as understand market penetration and share of opportunity.

Discover More

See how the PurpleLab® HealthNexus® platform can help your team not just answer questions but learn what questions to ask.

The speed is the craziest part. I’ve seen first hand how long acquiring some of this data can take. PurpleLab® has taken what historically would require weeks or months and they’ve whittled it down to minutes.

PurpleLab® Life Science Customer

Suite of Solutions

In a world with increased access to RWD, the biggest challenge for Life Sciences organizations lies in the ability to readily interpret the data. You need to work faster and smarter in order to make strategic decisions. PurpleLab®’s HealthNexus® platform was designed to solve this problem across the spectrum in life sciences including clinical trials, commercial strategy, patient journeys and more.

Get In Touch

Questions? Ready for a demo or free trial of our healthcare analytics platform, HealthNexus®?
Contact us to get started.