The PurpleLab®

Jennie Racca


This blog is the fourth and final part in a series exploring how to leverage real world data to transform brand planning, launch and management created in collaboration with Fierce Pharma.  Of course, the right partner can help life sciences companies keenly focus on doing what they do best. PurpleLab® is a health-tech company driven by…


This blog is part three in a series exploring how to leverage real world data to transform brand planning, launch and management created in collaboration with Fierce Pharma.  Commercial teams at life sciences companies need to reinvent their go-to-market strategies. In doing so, however, they are apt to face a variety of challenges such as:…


This blog is part two in a series exploring how to leverage real world data to transform brand planning, launch and management created in collaboration with Fierce Pharma.  Life sciences companies are operating in a new world, one where new treatments are being developed at breakneck speed, which holds unprecedented promise for patients. However, this…


This blog is part one in a series exploring how to leverage real world data to transform brand planning, launch and management created in collaboration with Fierce Pharma.  The problem: Historical methodologies for targeting, marketing and commercial launch are no longer sufficient to ensure that those patients who could benefit the most from a new…


The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the necessity for healthcare organizations to adapt swiftly. This was particularly evident with the rapid adoption of telehealth. For instance, in the first quarter of 2020, telehealth visits surged by 50% compared to 2019. As COVID-19 becomes endemic, healthcare leaders face crucial decisions on the strategic use of telehealth versus in-person…


Healthcare today is evolving into precision medicine, or what the FDA refers to as personalized medicine.  To stay competitive in the constantly shifting healthcare landscape, organizations across the healthcare ecosystem must embrace this targeted approach and leverage the tools needed to make safe decisions for their patients or populations. By unlocking insights provided from advanced…


The Skinny on Weight loss Drugs This podcast was created in collaboration with the Pharmacy Podcast Network. PurpleLab’s dataset from October 2022 – October 2023 shows that 2.8M people had been prescribed and dispensed a semaglutide drug.  PurpelLab’s database shows who really is getting access to the drugs by looking into:  States with most prescriptions (and zoom…

Solution Sheets

Standardized pricing imputes proxy costs that provide parity across data sources to determine healthcare costs. This allows you to facilitate nationwide studies of healthcare utilization and comparative analyses using the adjusted price, geographically adjusted price, and line of business adjusted price for services. Life Sciences Download Let’s Talk! Previous Next


PurpleLab was selected to present a poster at PMSA 2024 on imputing SDOH information on pharmacy claims. This study was centered around prescription fill rates of Semaglutides in the adolescent population. In December of 2022, the FDA approved adolescents BMI at or above the 95th percentile eligible for a Semaglutide prescription. PurpleLab used a combination…