The PurpleLab®

Russ Cobb


Higher SARS-COV-2 spike antibody levels are associated with reduced risk of subsequent symptomatic and severe COVID-19. Jin, Yue; Yang, Fei; Rank, Christopher; Letovsky, Stanley; Ramge, Peter and Jochum, Simon from Roche Information Solutions, Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Roche Diagnostics Solutions, and Roche Diagnostics International presented a poster during ISPOR 2024. The objective was to assess the…


Creating a holistic direct to consumer (DTC) and healthcare provider (HCP) marketing strategy from scratch is a demanding task, especially if you don’t have the clinical expertise to precisely identify the consumers or providers you should be targeting. We’re here to give you 5 simple steps to creating a holistic DTC and HCP targeting strategy…


Healthcare advertisers and their marketing partners face challenges that other direct to consumer advertisers may not necessarily be confronted with. Namely, the ever-evolving world of privacy regulation and the requirements enacted by the federal and state governments with the goal of helping preserve patient anonymity.


Identifying high-volume prescribers and engaging with key opinion leaders (KOLs) in a target therapeutic area can be a challenge. In a new webinar, sponsored by PurpleLab, experts explore how PurpleLab’s data solutions can help foster a deeper understanding of physician prescribing behavior.


When evaluating a data partner, make sure you are choosing a trusted data partner that meets all your needs. This handy dandy checklist can help ensure that you’re selecting a trusted data partner.

Case Studies

PurpleLab partnered with a healthcare organization to help them understand cost variations and healthcare resource utilization(HCRU) patterns in T2DM patients with at least 1 common comorbidity.

Case Studies

The commercial analytics team for a top ten pharma company used CLEAR Claims and referral pattern report to analyze prescribing trends.

Case Studies

A healthcare media agency wanted to increase awareness of their brand with additional direct to consumer (DTC), HIPAA and NAI compliant, privacy safe audiences. They wanted to drive prescriptions for consumers with migraines. The audiences needed to be applicable across channels and activatable on their preferred demand side platform (DSP).

Solution Sheets

Learn more about what PurpleLab can do for Clinical Trials Life Sciences Download


As the pharmaceutical and healthcare media industries face unprecedented change, the Preparing for 2025 roundtable convened leading experts to chart a path forward. Against a backdrop of rising patient expectations, accelerating technological advancements, and increasing regulatory pressures, this collaborative forum sought to address critical challenges while uncovering collective alignment for sustainable success.


PurpleLab® provides a real-world data [lab], accelerating the discovery and adoption of healthcare innovations. View where PurpleLab insights have been leveraged.  AXIOS Use of diabetes and anti-obesity drugs surged nationwide 2023-24 Read Now 1/3/2025 Broad-casting Cable VideoAmp Dials Up Outcome Measurement Read Now 9/24/2025 NBC News Biden proposes weight loss drug coverage for people on…