Imputing SDOH Information on Pharmacy Claims Poster

PurpleLab was selected to present a poster at PMSA 2024 on imputing SDOH information on pharmacy claims. This study was centered around prescription fill rates of Semaglutides in the adolescent population. In December of 2022, the FDA approved adolescents BMI at or above the 95th percentile eligible for a Semaglutide prescription. PurpleLab used a combination of open and closed claims to determine prescriptions written and dispensed monthly from September 2022 to March 2024.

Conclusions and Findings: 

  • Lower income is not a barrier to receiving the medication when clinically indicated 
  • Weight loss drug use in the adolescent population needs to be monitored
  • Children are covered by parents in commercial plans
  • Open claims show majority in the commercial group
  • There are more equal dispensing rates in open and closed claims

PurpleLab is committed to using all data sources to identify potential disparities in healthcare delivery. When SDOH data are not available due to the age of the study cohort, we leverage our clinical and analytics teams to help identify trends in the data. In this report, we identified that lower income adolescents, covered by Medicaid, were able to obtain weight loss drugs at comparable rates to those in their parent's commercial plans.

Dr. Russel Robbins, Chief Medical Information Officer

Reviewing closed & open claims together extends the coverage of a patient’s full medical journey and improves recency. Reach out today to learn how to leverage closed & open claims.

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PurpleLab provides a real-world data [lab], accelerating the discovery and adoption of healthcare innovations.  We want to improve collaboration across the total healthcare marketing ecosystem from life science companies to agencies to advertising technology companies. Built on one of the largest medical and prescription claim data warehouse including specialty data.

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