From Acknowledgment to Action: Health Plans Need to Leverage SDOH Data to Improve Outcomes

The fact that healthcare organizations need to improve care outcomes is undeniably undisputed. To succeed, health plan leaders need to acknowledge that medical care is estimated to account for only 10% to 20% of the modifiable contributors to healthy outcomes for a population. The other 80% to 90% emanates from social determinants of health (SDOH), and a seemingly never-ending list of conditions closely tied to SDOH.

The edict is clear: to improve member outcomes, payers must consider SDOH data. Download this whitepaper for an in-depth analysis of how SDOH data combined with open and close medical and pharmacy claims data can help payers make substantial improvements across access to care, population health, cost reduction and higher rates of in-network care.

Authored by Fierce Healthcare, originally published May 2024.

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